Hey there!

My new EP "Barefoot & Pregnant" was finally released when I went in to labor on 1/14/15! Both of my "labors of love" are here and I am elated! Please take a listen, and share in the joy! -BK


Betsy Kingston & the Crowns


Rock-a-bye Baby Blues

Everybody tells you about how hard being a mom will be, but they always make it seem like it’s the parenting that’s the problem.  It’s not the baby — it’s…

Both of my “Labors of Love” are 1 Month Old!

I cannot believe that my teeny-tiny-little-precious-bundle-of-joy is 1 ENTIRE MONTH OLD! It has been insane, but it’s a stale story, as every single mother on the planet has the exact…

And Now, We Wait…

“Barefoot & Pregnant” is recorded, mixed, mastered and ready to be released, as soon as Cletus the Fetus is ready to come out of the womb! (Due date is 1/11,…

Performing at 35 Weeks and Other Adventures

Today marks 30 days until the due date! I may eat my words (and everything else in the house), but thus far, I LIKE the 3rd trimester! Sure, it’s nearly…

The Joys of Nap– I Mean, Pregnancy.

As I mentioned in my last post, pregnancy has not been what I expected as far as productivity is concerned. So, one funny thing about being “with child” is all…

Cletus & the Lofty EP

Remember that thing I said about having more than one agenda here in Nashville? “Blah, blah, blah music, and oh yeah, also, motherhood…” Well, it seems we are on our…


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